Overheden en bedrijven maken steeds meer gebruik van sensoren en real-time informatiediensten om sneller, beter en beter geïnformeerd in te spelen op dynamiek. Steeds meer organisaties winnen data in, en passen dat toe op onderdelen van de stad. Wetenschappers en R&D afdelingen vertalen de laatste noviteiten in toepassingen en met kunstmatige intelligentie worden de snelheid en mogelijkheden van het dataverkeer verder verhoogd. Gemeenten verbeteren daarmee de verkeersstromen en handhaven milieuvergunningen en overlast (geluid, stank etc.), en o.a. vuilnisverwerkers, waterbedrijven, woon-coöperaties, beveiligingsbureaus, openbaar vervoer, pakketbezorgers en nog vele anderen meten en beslissen steeds meer op basis van data uit de stad. Het gebruik van data kent een push-kant (omdat het kan) en een pull-kant (omdat het moet). Dit roept ook vragen op. Vragen over kosten en opbrengsten, en over rechtmatigheid, over wenselijkheid en ethiek. Met workshops, hackathons en conceptontwikkeling helpen we om daar antwoorden op te vinden. Met onze neutrale positie, los van de belangen van ontwikkelaars en leveranciers helpen wij zo aan een duurzame realisatie van de smart city.

Het raakvlak tussen technologie en toepassing is ons werkterrein. In diverse projecten helpen we met het verkennen van mogelijkheden en grenzen van nieuwe technologie, van 5G tot satellietdata. In die projecten kijken we ook naar de menselijke maat. Naast de gebruiker of klant, lopen er op het speelveld nog heel veel andere belanghebbenden die soms (vaak) geen stem hebben in de ontwikkeling. Bovendien levert het een golf aan nieuwe bedrijvigheid op, van inwinning (sensors), via data-opslag tot aan beslissingsondersteuning. Zowel start-ups en multinationals




The “Community on Agricultural Policy Implementation and Geo Information” (CAPIGI) started in 2005. Wageningen University and Research centre, the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture and Esri Europe together started the initiative to share and discuss the advances of geo-information applications in the implementation of agricultural policies in Europe.
The first CAPIGI conference took place in 2005. Six years, four CAPIGI conferences, and several workshops further CAPIGI has become a true network of experts in geo-information and agriculture working in government agencies, science and industry.

Spatial Data Quality

Land Parcel Identification Systems (LPIS) and control activities (both with Remote Sensing and on the spot) play an important role in the regulations in the European Common Agricultural Policy. It’s impact goes beyond agriculture, as it will include rural development aspects and the control on environmental measures through the cross compliance. Assessing the quality of the reference systems has become of major concern. New methods are required to deal with the increased complexity surrounding the reference systems and to assure the quality required by the regulations.

On Farm Data

Every farmer in Europe is confronted with maps of his farm and fields for his annual application of EU income support and agri-environmental measures. At the same time, precision agriculture, logistics, and production concerns have boosted the use of on-farm spatial data. Farm management systems are getting ‘spatially aware’ and the GPS tracks from tractors and machines are integrated in decision-making processes. How can governments benefit from on farm spatial data in their processes? What can be the role of farmers in quality assurance of national geo- spatial datasets?

Sensing Systems in Agriculture

Emerging sensing systems, both remote and close range, provide information on the situation of the crop during the growing season. Effects of soil properties, sowing and crop management are reflected in biomass maps and yield maps. Emerging platforms and sensors provide new opportunities in advice and optimisation of agricultural production. Their integrated application is necessary but not straight forward. Are these techniques also applicable in the control of nature subsidies, cross compliance and other use?



CAPIGI is the network for geo-information experts active in agriculture. The Community on Agricultural Policy Implementation and Geo-Information (CAPIGI) brings together governments, industry and research to discuss the impact of geo-information in implementing agricultural policy. CAPIGI presents a state-of-the-art overview on innovations and research in geo- information sciences. These emerging technologies get illustrated with practice experiences in agricultural policy implementation.

Join the CAPIGI GeoAgri newsletter which keeps you automatically informed on related news and developments within the field. You can join via the CAPIGI website.

CAPIGI GeoAgri 2016

2016 brings the 6th CAPIGI Conference, which will be organized from 24-26 May. This year, the conference will be a jointly organized event of the Geospatial World Forum and AeroVision. Visit the CAPIGI website for more information.

Contact us at info@capigi.eu for your suggestions and involvement.